Levi, Ray & Shoup, Inc.

At LRS Security Solutions, we develop offerings to strengthen our client’s cybersecurity posture through all phases of the security journey. Our priorities are to listen to our clients, keep our approach holistic, and embody the ‘trusted advisor’ role. We are positioned to assess your environment, provide strategic security guidance, design appropriate solutions, then deploy and manage them throughout the lifecycle.

Our security professionals have diverse industry backgrounds, allowing them to create and deliver solutions tailored to your environment – giving you peace of mind and the necessary time to focus on the demands of your business. Professional Services offerings are designed to address your specific risks or pain points, while maximizing the investments that you’ve made in existing tools and solutions.

By combining our team’s expertise, a clear understanding of your business needs, and knowledge of the current state of cybersecurity risks, we can deliver solutions aligning with the security strategy that is best for your organization. Our core competencies include the solutions listed below.

Security Assessments

Our Security Assessment offerings consist of our Cyber Risk Analysis (CRA), Penetration Testing, Framework Alignment & Risk Assessments. Our CRA is a narrowly focused security engagement that consists of internal and external vulnerability scanning, AD security assessment, and boundary firewall security evaluation.



Solution Design & Engineering

Our network security engineers evaluate the entire network topology, configuration, and security controls - assessing and utilizing the collected information to develop strategies for improved security through network segmentation, improved utilization of existing infrastructure and recommendations for improved controls. Our security experts will work collaboratively with you as part of an implementation function, or in an ongoing co-management capacity.


Strategic Consulting

LRS Security Solution's experts provide guidance on issues such as risk management, policy development, user awareness and training, regulatory compliance, audit prep etc., most commonly through our vCISO engagement. A tailored set of services can be developed for your specific needs, ensuring a right fit for you.



Secure Coding, Automation and DevSecOps

At LRS Security Solutions, our overall goal of DevSecOps is to create a collaborative environment between developers and security professionals, enabling organizations to build secure code faster and easier.

Identity & Access Management

Identities have become one of the primary targets of bad actors. As such, it is imperative to appropriately manage security of identities at the endpoint, within applications, and for privileged users at the server level as well. IAM is a journey, not a destination, and as such requires appropriate planning and implementation steps to be successful. Our team can provide the tools and skills to ensure that your IAM strategy is sound.
