LRS IT Solutions is number 98 on the 2021 CRN Solution Provider 500.
CRN, a brand of The Channel Company, releases the Solution Provider 500 List (SP500) each year, ranking leading IT channel partner organizations across North America based on revenue and other qualifications. This year's impressive list represents a remarkable combined revenue of over $403 billion.
"CRN's Solution Provider 500 list serves as the industry standard for top-performing technology integrators, strategic service providers, and IT consultants, which makes it a valuable resource for technology vendors looking to partner with today's best-of-breed IT solution providers," said Blaine Raddon, CEO of The Channel Company. "On behalf of The Channel Company, I'd like to congratulate these companies for their incredible contributions to the growth and success of the IT channel."
The Channel Company notes that 2020 started out with high expectations – Gartner was forecasting 3.4 percent worldwide IT spending growth to $3.9 trillion – but the COVID-19 pandemic changed all that.
With so many employees suddenly forced to work from home, businesses and organizations quickly shifted how they operated. Their focus turned to providing at-home workers (not to mention schools and local governments) with laptops, collaboration and video conferencing tools and cloud applications, along with security technology to protect it all.
For one of our clients, the concept of employees working from home was completely new, and it created hurdles for the LRS IT Solutions team implementing mainframes and storage at the client’s production and DR sites.
A giant hurdle arose when the client told us that the original timeline of six months had to be compressed to 60 days. We responded by doing what we do: marshaling the resources needed to get the job done for the client.
Or, as The Channel Company said, “Solution providers have been at the forefront of helping their clients through these tough times, quickly providing them with the IT products and services they needed to operate amid the pandemic while offering technology, expertise and services to keep long-term IT projects on track.”
That’s why we’re honored and humbled to be on the list once again. Fill out the form below if we can help your organization with an IT project.